Brad used this picture because he can’t help but laugh at Ollie’s expression as he whips his head around!
January What can a service dog do for New Year’s resolutions?
February What would a valentine from or to a service dog be like?
March How are service dog team members lucky to have each other?
April What could a service dog team do more of, if they could meet up with other teams or people with disabilities?
May How does a service dog increase diversity or socialization in its team’s life?
June What’s your favorite service dog gear?
July How does a service dog team join in summer traditions and celebrations?
August How could a service dog team get involved with nature or bring sunshine into your life?
September How does a service dog team get involved with learning/education?
October How can a service dog make you laugh—or be cutely costumed for Howloween? Bonus points for matching your dog!
November How does a service dog team care for each other or show thanks?
December How does a service dog get involved in Winter howliday traditions or celebrations?
Share your creation on social media, tagged by including #ServiceDogArt in the text of your post. Bonus for also tagging it with PSDP’s handle if it’s on Facebook or Twitter!
Facebook: @PsychiatricServiceDogPartners
Twitter: @PSDPartners
We want this project to encourage and provide an outlet for self-expression, open a conversation with online communities, and create works of love to inspire, entertain, and educate.
Make, tag, share! #ServiceDogArt samples are on…the #ServiceDogArt Samples page.
Q & A about #ServiceDogArt
The answers are expandable by clicking on the questions below.
What can I create—does it have to be a meme?No way! You can create anything, really, as long as there’s a way to share it on social media.* Here are some ideas:
• stories, essays, or poems
• pictures—single, album, or collage (or meme!)
• videos—scripted or unscripted
• drawings or charcoal sketches
• colorings, paintings, or pastels
• clay or bronze statues
• music performances or compositions; for example, this fiddle performance of “L’Oiseau Bleu” (the Bluebird) by a community member—also in one of the September 2017 videos on the #ServiceDogArt Samples page:
• gifs or other animations
• dramatic tragedies or comedies
• performance art on video
• just talking into your webcam for YouTube (or Facebook Live, anyone?)
• whatever makes your soul sing!
It doesn’t have to be hard or take long to create, either! It’s better to make something small and fun that you have the “spoons” to finish and share, rather than embark on an ambitious project of perfection and never get it out there. There’s no grade for these, so just do what makes you happy! 🙂
Here are #ServiceDogArt samples.
When you post to social media and include a hashtag (“#”) in front of a word or phrase with no spaces in it, it makes it easier for folks to find everything tagged with that word or phrase by searching for it. If you don’t use it, no one will find your creation when they look for it!
This way, people can find all the creations for #ServiceDogArt on Twitter or Facebook by searching on those platforms for that hashtag. Just include it in the text of your post, and if your post isn’t private, all’s well!
We might post some highlights, but it’s not likely we’ll collect them all here. We want you on our site, but we also want you engaging in social media and spreading the word!
Not at all! This is open to anyone who either has some kind of service dog (including guide dogs), is interested in getting one, or otherwise fits the prompt. For example, if your life is affected because your spouse or friend has a service dog, you might have a response for the month’s theme. Of course, anyone can share or like others’ posts.
You’re welcome to share wherever you want, but we’ll only be looking on Facebook and Twitter. 🙂
If you’re posting a YouTube video or something on another site, you can usually also share it by linking to it on Facebook or Twitter. Just be sure the “sharing” settings are marked so it’s not closed off to others.
Absolutely! If you’re on “the list” (Peer Guidance Group), please share it there also—and encourage social media sharing! If you’re not on the list, but should be, contact us right now to join.
Just remember our rules say there are no attachments allowed on the list. Like you have to do when sharing a picture on the list, link to your creation elsewhere on the web. Oh, and put “#ServiceDogArt” in the email subject!
Of course! The main idea is to communicate with the broader community, so a lesser form of that is better than nothing. We know it takes a bit of courage to put yourself out there, so we hope this project will inspire bravery!
Definitely. Get on Facebook or Twitter, search for #ServiceDogArt, and share others’ creations with your friends and followers! You’ll make the creators feel good that you took the time.
On Facebook, you can even include a PSDP donation button on your post, and we surely appreciate that.
Yes! While that’s not essential to this project, if you want to encourage others to support PSDP when you post your creation (or share others’!), just follow these easy instructions for adding a donation button on Facebook to do that (the instructions are below).
Thanks—we really appreciate your help!
Method 1:
• Tag us: type “@PsychiatricServiceDogPartners” in your post and select our name
• Click “Post“, then click “Add button” and choose the donate button
Method 2:
• Click the “Feeling/Activity” button (with the emoji next to it), then scroll down to “Supporting” and click it
• Type in “Psychiatric Service Dog Partners” and click on PSDP’s box
• Click “Post“, then click “Add button” to confirm the donate button
Yes, indeed—and you should still be able to find some of the old posts on social media under that heading. We changed the name/hashtag at the beginning of 2018 to make it clearer what the whole thing’s about.