
What is all the work the USAUSA service animal coalition done?


In a list with the most recent activity first, the USAUSA coalition has:


• Published our “Assistance animal airport accessibility survey report” on July 15, 2019. This report compiles feedback from assistance animal users about service animal relief areas (SARAs), wayfinding, and general access. The survey and its results were designed as an aid to airport operators and government officials, especially through a July presentation at an FAA conference in the DC area. The .pptx presentation and its PDF version are both available via Google Drive.

• Preparing for a May 17, 2019 meeting in which we gave a speech to USDOT officials, we conducted a simple survey about the challenges of flying with a service animal in the last two years while airlines create a maze of different requirements. Responses are available in our 358-page compilation handbook, “The path to responsible air travel governance: A recent history of service animal recommendations“.

• Proffered a petition for individuals and solicited organizational support so AKC would not harmfully co-opt a term from the service dog community in changing a program name (PSDP’s initial efforts did not accomplish the goal).

• Upon USDOT request for more data (pertinent to updating service animal and ESA regulations and enforcement priorities), conducted a flight access survey and issued a 2018 Flight Access Survey Report.

• Invited other organizations to sign on to support the sentiments expressed in PSDP’s press release about Delta’s more burdensome 2018 policies. Delta rescinded the portion of their planned policy that would violate 14 CFR §382.27, though “Delta ‘enhancements’ keep updates legal, but immoral“.

Advised the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) against the overreaching standard developed by their Committee on Service Dogs; in 2018 the CGSB dropped its standard development.

• At the Canadian Transportation Agency’s (CTA’s) invitation, shared the below two items to aid in their regulatory modernization effort.

• Upon USDOT request, conducted a survey and issued a 2016 survey report regarding the burdens of the current flight regulations on service animal users.

• Developed thorough recommendations to the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) regarding the planned update to service animal flight laws.


You can read more in Psychiatric Service Dog Partners’ Advocacy section, which details the above actions among others.