Julia & Jessie

Julia & Jessie

After fighting with my illness for over 30 years, I have tried multiple meds and multiple kinds of treatments. Some have worked. Some have not. As somebody who has trained dogs for many jobs, I started investigating to see if a service dog was right for me. Then I began training one. I reached a standstill. I had so many questions about laws and public access. Was I covered? How do I handle an access challenge? How do I handle the public?

Then I found PSDP. This group has really changed my life and given me the courage to forge ahead into one of the biggest life-changing experiences for me, working with my service dog. They patiently answered all my questions and, much like a momma bird, kicked me from the nest when it was time to start public access training. I would never have had the courage or knowledge without them.

Through their support and sense of community I have made many long-lasting friendships. It gave me the opportunity to learn in a supportive and caring environment. I hope, as a member of the community, I can pass it on.


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